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How God is Teaching me About Trust


I need You. I cannot live without You. You need to be the guiding force in my life because without You, my life will be a wreck. I invite You into the places of my heart that I haven't let you control before. I ask that You lead and guide me in everything. Give me the faith I need to trust You. Do anything in my life that brings You glory. Your plan is always best.

I wrote this in one of my journals as I surrendered everything to God. That journal has become my “surrendering” journal. In it, I write about my fears, my dreams, my goals, and most of all, my future. The front of the journal says “Proverbs 3:5-6 TRUST AND SEEK HIM”, and it reminds me that I can trust God.

NEWS FLASH: I am going to be a senior next year (Ahhhh!)! As you can imagine, almost everyone has been asking me what I’m going to do for college or career, and I just don’t know yet! I totally understand why people ask me because I’ve been asking my friends the exact same thing. I have absolutely NO hard feelings toward anyone who has asked me that question. I know people are just genuinely interested in what my future will hold.

That being said, over the last few months I have felt more and more pressure to decide what I’m going to do. People aren’t trying to pressure me into a making decision. However, the more people ask, the more pressure I put on myself to try to decide on a career. I want to be able to answer people when they ask me, but as far as I know, God hasn’t told me “what I should be when I grow up”. The problem wasn’t that people kept asking me, but that I was trying to carry the weight of that question on my own. I should have given it to God when I started to feel that pressure, but I didn't, mostly because I didn't realize I was trying to decide in my own knowledge and strength.

Proverbs 3:5-6 has always been one of my favorite verses, probably because I’ve always struggled (and will continue to struggle) with trusting God, especially with my future. It says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take” (NLT).

Now back to the story: that evening, I watched the youth group message on YouTube and then talked with my small group over Zoom. One of the verses the teaching focused on was Proverbs 3:5-6, and discussion was on surrendering your future to God.

I shared with my group about how I had surrendered to God that morning and I thought, “Wow, God probably had something to do with planning all this”.

The week went by and on Sunday I tuned in to my church’s Worship Service as usual. When our pastor read the scripture reading, I could hardly believe my ears. The only verses he read were Proverbs 3:5-6. The entire message was solely on those two radically important verses.

At that point I KNEW God was trying to get my attention.

1.) He spoke to me during my Bible time while I was alone.

2.) He spoke to me while my friends and I were watching the same youth group message from home.

3.) Then he spoke to me while my church family and I were watching the service from our own homes.

It’s as if God is continuously whispering, “Kaela, I got this. You can trust me. Just let me lead you, and I will show you which path to take”.

And God says that to you too! You can trust Him. Surrendering my future to God lifted a ginormous weight off my shoulders. I shouldn't trust in my own knowledge, but in God's omniscient (all-knowing) character. It’s so much easier to live in a posture of obedience to God when I want His plan for my life, not trying to figure it all out on my own.

Feel free to reach out to us at our email ( or DM us on Instagram (@thejoysblog). We would love to know how we can pray for you! Let us know how God is working in your life. I pray that you hold on tightly to the LORD. He’s got this!

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