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A Letter to Those Who Need Healing

Dear friend,

We all struggle with healing don't we? We all have those hurts we try to throw in the closet, but it's so full the door bursts right open again. Maybe the hurt is a situation you lived in and you just don't understand why God would put you through that. Maybe it's abuse, whether that be physically, verbally, or emotionally. Maybe it's a break-up. Maybe it's bullying. Whatever it is, the fact is, you're not alone. You've never been alone! We ALL struggle whether or not you see it.

Don't we all kinda just throw our hands up once and a while and blame God or ask Him why? Why is my life like this when so and so has a perfect life? First of all, stop playing the blame game. You are not responsible for ungodly sins that are done towards you. However, you are responsible for your response to those things. Sometimes I wonder if God chuckles at us adults as we run around like ten-year-olds blaming their younger brother for breaking the tv. When clearly we were the ones who chucked the gulf ball directly at the screen.

Know that every relationship you will ever have is not without a purpose. You are responsible for how you learn from every life situation.

"What man intended for evil, God will use for good." Genesis 50:20a (paraphrase)

Never live in the past. For that is not where you are going. Never rely on yourself for direction. We are humans full of turbulent change. We cannot be trusted. However, our creator can be because He was the one who made our emotions. People and things will come and go, so set your sights on what is eternal.

The truth is, pain hurts. No one enjoys feeling left behind or forgotten. As people, we long for connection and unity but often that is not what this world brings us. In fact, since satan currently has control over the world anything you ever get from the world will bring you pain. In contrast, anything that God brings you will bring life, hope, healing, light, joy, peace, and the list goes on. I wish that you didn't have to experience the terrible effects of sin entering our world. I wish that people didn't get cancer, or get cheated on, or leave their children. But the fact is, that happens. And it happens a lot. This world is groaning with pain as it awaits the coming of our Savior.

We need Jesus so desperately. We are broken, sinful, and lost without Him. But praise God for His unending mercy and grace! Praise God for seeing us in the state we were in and NOT LEAVING but reaching His hand down from Heaven and pulling us out of the quicksand of despair. You are no longer in bondage to the pain of the past. This does not mean that you might not feel it sometimes, because you will. You will miss a loved one you lost. You will wish a certain career had worked out. You will go through moments when you just don't see why God is not changing your circumstances. But because of Jesus, you are not left in that pain.

"The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all." Psalm 34:18-19

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

So today, I want to encourage you to let God heal those pieces of your heart that you've been holding on to. Our God does not leave us where we are. He leads us from where we are. He bore our suffering and He knows how bad those stripes feel. He knows that it is sometimes really hard to trust the Father. But still, He calls you to do just that because He is right beside you reminding you that you can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength. Don't rely on yourself to forgive and forget. You will never find true healing without Jesus. Only through Him will you learn how to forgive and love those who have hurt you and others.

Please reach out to Kaela or me if you ever need prayer for a situation. We need fellow brothers and sisters to encourage us in this fight of faith. You never walk alone. May the Lord be your strength and shield. May He be your present help in times of trouble. He upholds you in His nail-pierced hands.

In Christ's love,

Kaitlyn Joy


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