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-Goals of a godly Woman-

Hey there girly! :)

Yet again, today is a beautiful day to be alive! I'm so stinkin excited to share today's post with you!!! It's something that I'm super passionate about. I hope that it will get you pumped up about being a woman, because it sure gets me pumped up. I want you to think of this as a coffee date, and I'm your sister. We're just gonna chat about some extremely important things God created as goals for us, as godly women. So, enjoy that hot cup of coffee, and let's get started!


Ephesians 5:22 "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord."

I know, the second you saw that word submit, you were like, "woah, girl! I don't want to do that. I'm a confident, strong, and independent woman." Yes, I get it. I'm sure you are! But let me ask you this: Does Jesus care if you are all those things? And if you are, what difference does it make in light of eternity?

The last time I checked, Jesus was constantly submitting himself to God. And if we're supposed to be like Jesus, we should be submitting to God and His leadership in our lives. Likewise, we should be doing the same to our father, boyfriend, fiance, husband, etc. Submission is the ultimate demonstration of Christ working in our life, and humbling us just as He was humbled. Woahhhhhh.... Read that again sister! Submission is the ultimate demonstration of Christ working in our life, and humbling us just as He was humbled.

Trust me, it is much more difficult to submit instead of snapping back and wanting to do things your way. But when you choose to hold your tongue and obey out of a humble heart, you are choosing to demonstrate Christ, instead of your own selfishness.


1 Timothy 2: 9-11 "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection."

Okay, wow! There's a lot to cover from just those three verses. I'm going to focus in on the first two. It is so amazing how the way we dress GETS TOO reflect our creator, IF we choose to do so.

Let's take a look at our creator to see what He loves to create: Giraffes, butterflies, the bright blue sky, wildflowers in the field, green leaves, and the list goes on. Okay, friends! Does that sounds like our God shies away from bright colors and funky looking things? Um.... nope He does not! He made this whole world, and He called it good! But notice how it reflects the creator.

It doesn't draw attention purely to itself. You might say "wow, that's a beautiful sunflower." But even more so,"How intricate and precise is the God whose hands made it." God loves beauty!!!! That's why He made you and every woman so beautiful! So, I'd like to challenge you and I to use our clothing to reflect our creator. To draw attention to Christ in us, and give us opportunities to share our creator with other women. Let's make the world wonder why we choose to dress different!


1 Timothy 5:2 "The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity."

Yes, girly! We are called to purity.

Titus 2:12 says, "Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;"

Purity is a big deal to God! There are so many verses in the Bible that mention purity within sexuality and also in our hearts. God calls us to put off the old sinful self, and put on the new self. Personally, I feel that there are so many impure influences in our world today. Just turn on a TV channel for ten minutes, and I bet that there would be something that causes ungodly thinking. That's why it's so important for us to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

DO NOT FEED YOURSELF LIES! Our purity has a purpose! And that is to demonstrate the grace and goodness of our King. Open the book of all truth and see what it says about purity. I want to challenge you to turn off those romantic comedies, ungodly music, and throw the magazines in the trash. God has made us free from the hold and desire of impure things.


1 Timothy 3:11 "Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things."

Vocabulary Lesson :)

Grave: Serious or solemn

Slanderer: One who attacks the reputation of another by slander.

Sober: Not drunk. Serious, sensible, and solemn.

Faithful: Loyal, constant, and steadfast.

We have a high standard set by our King. It WILL NOT BE EASY! That's why everyone does not choose to follow the standards that God set. Life is not all rainbows and roses. There are going to be times when we need to be serious. We are not supposed to go around trying to ruin other women's reputations, just so we can look good. We are called to build up and challenge one another to follow Christ.

We are challenged to live soberly! We cannot make sensible decisions when we are influenced by alcohol. We should be faithful in all things. Faithful to our family, friends, job, health, and the list goes on. We should be disciplined in all areas of our life.


1 Timothy 5:14 "I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully." (Talking about widows. Read 1 Tim. 5 for context)

Nevertheless, this does not change the truths from this verse. We are meant to guide the household in holiness. This entails words of encouragement, correction, and godly council. Secondly, we are encouraged and challenged to live a life that doesn't give others a reason to disapprove, be disappointment, or ashamed of us. It says, "give none occasion." So, don't give anyone a reason to think of you as something other than a true follower of Christ.


Titus 2:3-5, "The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."

In order to become all of these attributes we must be disciplined. We have to be seeking Christ in ALL that we do, or all of our efforts will be in vain. Ultimately, as christian women, we are not doing any of this for ourselves. We are doing it for God, and His kingdom. We must be disciplined to read the Bible, pray, and worship God, in order to have strength to live completely for Him.

A submissive, modest, pure, godly, holy, and disciplined woman, is someone we should all strive to become. God gives us so many opportunities to nourish and encourage those around us with the specific femininity He gave us. I pray that you will continue to seek after our Creator each day to become a strong woman of faith. Our lives are meant to be lived in meaning and self sacrifice for our Savior.

Please reach out to us at our email (, Instagram (thejoysblog), or the comment section below. We would love to know how we can best pray for you! Let us know if you learned anything from this post and how God is working in your life.

Remember whose you are! <B

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