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Conversations with God

Hey Fam!

Something y’all might or might not know about me is that I like to journal. Sometimes I journal about my day, other times I journal about something hard I’m going through, but I especially love journaling my prayers. Most of my prayer journal entries start with a feeling or thought I’m dwelling on, but as I continue to write, the Holy Spirit guides my thoughts to God, and I’m reminded of His faithfulness, His promises, and His love. Thinking about those things (the character of God) brings me peace in the midst of this crazy storm of life. Writing down my feelings and thoughts as a prayer resolves my heart to follow God amidst whatever situation I’m going through. Today, I want to share a journal entry from last week.

Dear God,

I really hate my situation right now. How can you allow such terrible things to happen? Why would you do this? So many people are hurting, alone, and isolated. So many people are losing their jobs. People around the world are dying. How can any good come out of the COVID-19 situation? I guess my only choice is to trust that You are sovereign even when I cannot see how any of this could bring You glory.

God, right now, I feel like I’m drowning with no visible way of escape. My only option is to trust that You are a Way Maker. I can only trust that You are the Way. God, I choose to trust that You can, You will, somehow bring glory to Your name. I cannot imagine when or how, but I will trust You. God, You are the only thing in this world that will NEVER change. That truth refreshes my soul and gives me hope. LORD God, please give me the strength to continue trusting You.

As you can see, this prayer began with me talking to God. I had finished what I wanted to say to Him and had already put my pen down when I heard the still, small voice of God speaking to me. I picked up my pen and wrote down what He told me.

My dear Kaela,

I still love You. I have a plan. Please, never give up on me. Just like Jeremiah 29:11 says, “‘For I know the plans I have for you’ - this is the Lord’s declaration - ’plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope’”. I truly do have a plan to give you success and hope. Kaela, PLEASE trust in me. I want Your help to accomplish my purpose. Trust in me. Allow Your faith to encourage others to trust in me. I love you. I have not forgotten You. I am always with You and I have a perfect plan that You cannot begin to imagine.

Love, God (Your Daddy)

Friend, I am praying that my conversation with God encourages you. I truly believe that what God told me is something God tells you as well. Even through these terrible circumstances, God wants YOU to trust Him. He has a special plan that He chose YOU for, but the only way His plan can be carried out is if you trust in Him. Surrender your feelings and situations to God, and He will give you peace. God has NOT forgotten you. God LOVES you. He will give you success and hope. Believe me, trusting God is by far the hardest thing I have done, but it has also been my favorite part of my whole life.

As always, please reach out to Kaitlyn and I through our email ( or Instagram @thejoysblog

I love y'all. Keep seeking Jesus and trusting Him!

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