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Jesus Loves

Hey guys!

So, every year, our region of churches has a weekend conference called High School Leadership Training (HSLT). It's basically a conference for high schoolers that encourages and challenges your faith. Worship, hearing amazing messages, meeting new people, service projects, evangelism, playing games, staying up late, and having fun make up our time there.

I really wanted to share this thing God gave with me last year at HSLT.

I was really questioning Gods love for me. “Why does God love me? How much does He love me?” things like that. Then during Saturday night worship, He gave this amazing picture that showed me how much He really loves me. I journaled it and it kinda turned into a story.

God gave me this picture of a beautiful, huge field of grass. There was a cross standing in the middle of the field. A man (Jesus) was

holding a little girl's hand as they walked toward the cross.

As the girl grew up, she started getting distracted from where she and Jesus were going. She grew curious of the forest surrounding

the field. Jesus told her, “You may stay or leave, but always remember this- I love you and I will wait right here for you if you choose to leave”.

One day the girl chose to leave Him - she ran to the forest. She was excited of her adventures ahead, but Jesus ran after her, grabbed her arm and said, “You will be lost out there on your own”. But she continued to run to the forest in front of her. Jesus called out, saying, “I love you and I will wait right here for you...” but before He could finish, she was gone. After a while, she found herself lost and missing Jesus.

The little girl started running back the way she thought she came from. She began weeping softly because she was sorry she had ever left Him. She hoped with all her heart that Jesus was waiting as He had promised. The girl ran into the field and saw Jesus sitting in the grass. She started crying even more.

The girl ran up to Jesus and said “I’m so sorry I left!”.

Jesus said “I love you”.

The girl replied “But I ran from you and left you here”.

Jesus said “I love you”.

The girl said “but I -”.

Before she could even finish, Jesus came close to the girl. He said, "I forgive you", and hugged her. Jesus said, “You may stay or leave, but always remember this - I love you and I will wait right here for you if you choose to leave”.

The girl reached out her hand to Jesus, and He took it. A tear streamed down His face as they walked to the cross.

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