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Welcoming The reNEWed Year In

Hey Ya'll!

Can you believe it is already 2019?!?!?!? What happened?

James 4:14 KJV - "Whereas ye know not what [shall be] on the morrow. For what [is] your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Wow, when God says time is like vapor, He is speaking truth. I don't know about you, but 2018 has been such a learning curve for me. I haven't written on the blog for a while, so I'm just going to write about some of the things God has taught me this year.

> In the beginning of the year I started it out with a bang by getting my wisdom teeth out. Honestly, I was kinda scared to death! Haha! God was yet again faithful to carry me through with His healing hand and in no time I was feeling just fine.

> Spring came around the bend and school finally wrapped up for 2017-2018 year! Whoop whoop!

> June is happening already! What? Yep! I sprained my ankle super bad in the beginning of the month just before my county fair. I learned so much just from that one small injury...... How to have good sportsmanship, love others deeper than I thought I ever could, finding joy in health and the blessing I get to walk, counting my blessings, that family is more important than you think, and friends can be the greatest source of encouragement. Your life may knock you down real hard. Harder than you ever thought was possible. However, it doesn't matter if you fall. It just matters if you get up stronger. What you do with your failure, mistakes, situations, and trials is what shows. Learn from everything you can. Test what you hear. Read your bible and fill yourself up with truth and use it to define your worldview.

> Summer kept on slipping by as it always does, but left me hopeful for an exciting year of learning.

> Fall came and my older brother basically broke his face. This was an extremely traumatic time, but God gave me His peace that surpassed all of my understanding. I didn't even know what to do with myself, because I just couldn't worry about what was going on.

> I have learned contentment within singleness. Trust me, I wasn't always content throughout this whole year. I've had my ups and downs. But, the Lord has been gracious to keep teaching me the lesson of contentment and the freedom it brings. Just be happy for this season!

Ecclesiastes KVJ 3:1-8 - "To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:"

> Now ever since school started Jesus has been shaping me each day. So many times I have drifted and came back to my strong relationship with God. I know that He is always there, but the teacher is always quiet during a test. So I have persisted with His strength, never giving up. Running the race He has set before me. I have failed more times than I can count, doubted His goodness, grace and faithfulness.

2 Timothy 2:13 ESV "If we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself."

I have had my joy stolen and brought back. Learned many lessons. But I have learned to get back up again, which is all that matters.

> Some exciting work God has been doing as well: I had the pleasure of praying with a stranger while on a camping trip, and learned to follow the Holy Spirit and trust His guidance. I was able to give a care package to a man who was homeless with my sister, and cousin. Please pray that he has found the Lord and is resting in His faithfulness today. Kaela and I were also able to give two other men who were homeless something as well. Please pray for those two as well. God is working in many ways around us, and we just have to look and join in with Him. God has been working around me in numerous other ways. Too many to count! I pray that He has been working around and in your life as well.

As all of us wrap up this year, let us be reminded of His never ending faithfulness. He is so so good to us. I love the song "He Said" by Group 1 Crew.

So your life feels like it don't make sense. And you think to yourself, 'I'm a good person. 'So why do these things keep happening? Why you gotta deal with them? You may be knocked down now, But don't forget what He said, He said I won't give you more, more then you can take And I might let you bend, but I won't let you break And No-o-o-o-o, I'll never ever let you go-o-o-o-o Don't you forget what He said. Who you are ain't what your going through. So don't let it get the best of you. Cause God knows everything you need, So you ain't gotta worry. You may be knocked down now. But just believe what He said, He said I won't give you more, more then you can take And I might let you bend, but I won't let you break And No-o-o-o-o, I'll never ever let you go-o-o-o-o Don't you forget what He said. Don't fear when you go through the fire. Hang on when it's down to the wire. Stand tall and remember what He said..... I won't give you more, more then you can take. And I might let you bend, but I won't let you break. I won't give you more, more then you can take And I might let you bend, but I won't let you break And No-o-o-o-o, I'll never ever let you go-o-o-o-o Don't you forget what He said.

Psalm 119:90 ESV "Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast."
Please do not fall into the lie that the New Year is going to bring all your accomplishments to pass. Your workouts going to be on point, your skin flawless, your going to get so many more social media followers, your prayer life perfect etc. etc. the list goes on. The truth is, this year is going to be filled with mountains and valleys. God is going to teach you so much, if you let Him! Oh how much He loves you!

John 3:16 ESV "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

God's grace isn't just new this New Year, it is new each morning. Every second of every day it is new! Let him reNEW each and every day of yours.

I think of ya'll often and pray for you daily. If this post encourages you, please share it with your friends and family. I pray that God will bring this encouragement to everyone who needs it. I would love for you to email me at:

It would be awesome to talk with you about things God has been teaching you, and ideas for our blog. Please be in prayer for Kaela and I. That we would represent Christ in an honoring and worthy way. Pray that our blog would touch many lives and that the Holy Spirit would guide whatever we write. Hugs to ya'll!

Your sister,

Kaitlyn Joy

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