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Fully Loving Others

This is a journal entry that I wrote using the SOAP method. I hope that this encourages you as much as it did me.

S - Scripture

Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.

-1 Peter 4:8

O - Observation

What I understand this verse is saying is that I am supposed to love those around me. Love shows if I have truly forgiven someone, and if I really understand what it means that I am forgiven. This Scripture also says that loving those around me is most important.

A - Application

After I have read and re-read this verse, I am asking myself if I live like love is most important of all things. Love is more powerful than faith and hope. (1 Corinthians 13:13) This is the question: does my life show this truth? This verse is a call to action for me. I need to love others deeply, and "each other" includes my family. But, without going to God first, and getting filled up in His love, how am I going to love my family well? Without God, I think it will be impossible. I need to go to God every day, asking Him to fill me up, so I can pour out His love to those around me. I need to make God a priority so I can make my family a priority. On this list of priorities, I need to be last in order to live out this verse. Let me explain what I mean.

Jesus First,

Others Next, then-


That spells JOY! In the few times that I have been able to imperfectly live this way, I have experienced the JOY that comes only from


When I go to God right away in the morning, I fill up on His love. Then I have enough to love Him, love those around me, and then love myself. Isn't that crazy? God works in mysterious, yet wonderful ways!

P - Prayer

Father, You are SO good to give me the love I need to give my family. Please God, help my priorities to stay in line with what they are supposed to be. First, please help me to love You and go to You first. Next, help me to love my family deeply. Lately, help me to love myself for who You made me to be. Help me not to hide your love from those I see every day, once a week, or even once in my life. I desire to show everyone I meet the love You show me. Thank You! I love you Daddy!


Please, email us ( any thoughts or comments you have after reading this! Kaitlyn and I would really enjoy

talking with y'all about this!

Photo credits: Stephanie Flyger

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