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God Hears Your Prayers

Well today (9/11/18) has been a day of many answered prayers. I want to start writing down the little things that God does, so I can realize just how capable He is of answering the big things. I encourage you to do this as well. He has taught me that no matter what situation I am in, He is always there. Ready and waiting to answer me. It might not be right at that moment, but God will finish the good work He has started within me.

A while back I wrote and sent in an essay for a National Conference 4-H Trip to Washington DC. I prayed that God would place me where I needed to be, whether or not that meant going on the trip. I knew that if the answer was wait, He had something in store. So I waited, and waited to get the letter that would inform me if I had won the trip. After a couple months, I received the letter. I was the first delegate for the trip, which meant that if someone backed out who had won, I would be the first one to go. I decided that this time I was going to fully trust Him. My Jesus knows what He’s doing. I prayed again that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Then today, He answered my prayer. I was going on the trip!!!! Jesus did it. Looking back I feel as though I would not have received this trip unless I trusted that God would do His will and wanted His will to be done. He is sovereign over whatever I think I need or want. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3: 5-6

After numerous people prayed and I prayed. God answered my prayer that I would pass my drivers license test! Wow! What a day this has been.

God is good, no matter the situation or the struggle. He hears your cries. Don’t fill your ears with earplugs, blocking Him out with to-do lists, school-work, jobs, chores, fears, struggles, responsibilities, or excuses. All He wants is to simply hold you in His hands. You just have to let Him. I know this isn’t easy. Believe me, I’ve kicked the bucket more than I can count. Yet His mercies are new every morning, and with every warm rising sun, he’s already forgiven you more times than the drops in the ocean.

I know this was a short post, but I felt the Holy Spirit compelling me to write this.

Feel free to comment down bellow with prayer requests, questions, or anything you would like to share.

Always remember whose you are, lovelies!


Kaitlyn Joy

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