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Daily Devotional in Psalms

S (Scripture):

Psalm 119:140-144 KJV

“Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it. I am small and despised: yet do not I forget thy precepts. Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and they law is the truth. Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me: yet they commandments are my delights. The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting: give me understanding, and I shall live.”

O (Observation):

I love how the writer is still delighting in God even when all these things are happening in his life. He uses “yet” quite a few times. It reminds me of being with God in those struggles. Leaning on Him, trusting Him, finding your strength in Him. Even when

“I am small and despised” even when

“trouble and anguish have taken hold on me.”

“Yet do not I forget thy precepts.”

“Yet thy commandments are my delights."

I found it astounding that this man wasn’t just an if the storms come, I will praise you kinda guy. Oh, no! He was living out his faith! This man was not forgetting God’s precepts, he was delighting in God’s instruction, he loveth God’s pure word. Wow!

A (Application):

I need to be the girl that isn’t turbulent in my faith. I need to have an even in the storm mentality. Yet will I delight in you, oh my Lord! My God who calls me chosen, loved and beautiful, His instruction will I find my joy in. Even in the midst of the storm I will not forget thy law of truth!

Challenge: Be a “yet” minded woman and live an “even when” life style.

P (Prayer):

Dear God, Jesus and Holy Spirit,

Teach me to be the kind of woman like the writer of this Psalm with praising you and still following you in the midst of affliction. Jesus thank you for being the perfect example to me when you died for me on the cross. Holy Spirit strengthen me and comfort me in those times.

In Jesus name I pray,


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